Author Archives: Jim

About Jim

I'm a certified square foot gardening instructor that enjoys teaching others how to grow their own great, healthy, organic food. I also enjoy cooking, biking, playing my guitar, reading, and card magic.

Prepping and planning for winter garden

First week of September marks the time when I begin transitioning summer to fall and winter gardening. To make room I’ll need to pull up a few things like beans, kale, and maybe even a tomato plant or two, which really hurts!

I counted 16 different crops that I grow for winter. All do well in our freezing, snowy winters. As long you know how to put up a simple structure for protection and match the crop to the season anybody can enjoy the winter bounty. And, it’s so fun to do. The taste? It can only be described as awesome. Freezing temps turn starches to sugar so your carrots are delicious. The same for spinach and baby lettuces. Arugula is less spicy.

I’ve also mass planted several grow bags with lettuce varieties that will begin to be harvested in 40-45 days and will last until about the end of November, though I will have them under cover when the temperatures get to cold. I continue to discover great varieties that can’t be bought anywhere in the stores that have great taste. When those are done the salad greens planted today and through mid-October will all be ready. Those crops will last our family until about mid-March.

On October 25 I will sown a cold frame with lettuces. Lots of lettuces. That will be ready by the time all winter greens have been harvested-third of 4th week of March. That’s my rotation anyway.  

My small SFG-CSA

I’ve had so much fun this spring and summer growing the tastiest things ever. And getting ready  to have a great fall and winter garden. I’m able to grow enough in my 184 square feet of garden space to provide 3 local restaurants with things and 4 families. I can never compete with the food vendors to provide all their restaurant needs. Each week they get a small quantities of just picked cherry tomatoes, one wants English cucumbers, they all get different herbs, one gets kale, and two of them get microgreens. They buy because of the superior taste and the chefs know it. Spring time is very different. But, just picked fresh will beat any vendor item. It’s not farm to table for them-it’s garden to table. 

Yesterday my families got what you see in the picture. Enough lettuce for 5-6 side salads, 4 slicing tomatoes, an acorn squash, an English cucumber, and a sprig of basil. Next week they will get the same but with the addition of a small quantity of red pontiac potatoes. 

Is it just me or is inflation at the top of most people’s worry? Why not have a garden, learn how to do it in the most efficient way possible and save money. Lots of money. And have a better eating experience. The English cucumbers are absolutely out of this world. Our two year old granddaughter had never tasted cucumbers. I had about half of it sliced into pieces with ranch dressing next to it. She tasted it and all we heard for the next 15 minutes was “more.” 🙂 The only reason she stopped was because she was all full! 


Hot summers and growing lettuce in your SFG.

Growing lettuce in the hot parts of the country can be a challenge. There are some like me who want that delicious, freshly harvested lettuce when the cucumbers and cherry tomatoes start  to arrive. 

We’ve had a really hot summer. A solid week of 100 plus temperatures, and maybe 2 weeks of 95-100 degree days. More of them are coming too. You can grow continue to grow lettuce if you know a few tricks. First and foremost is the soil. There is no soil as great as what we have in the SFG method. I’ve got an ebook that discusses the points needed to successfully grow lettuce right through the heat of summer. 

This is a summercrisp called Mottistone. I bought it from Johnnys years ago and now I see it’s no longer available on their site. I don’t know why this happens? You find a great variety of something only to return at a later date to discover it’s no longer there. This is a great tasting summer lettuce. Some will think the speckles are disease issues but that’s not the case. You can still find Mottistone seed. I found it on Amazon, which I personally wouldn’t do. Too many complaints from people thinking they bought a variety of something only to learn that it wasn’t at all what they were expecting. But you can find it here:

As summer is beginning to leave us, it’s probably a little late for summercrisps. Order for next year. Keep your seeds in the refrigerator and give it a try next summer. 

Delicious food out of the square foot garden

If you’ve never had the experience of growing and eating your own food, you’re missing out. The taste is better. The quality is better. It’s healthier. In the SFG the soil reigns supreme, which greatly affects the taste of the food. And it’s also more economical. Growing your own food is like printing your own money.

This past week I harvested some leeks and turnips. The recipe I was making-a leek/turnip soup, called for more turnips than I had, so I made up the difference with a few radishes. I’ve not grown this radish variety before but it was outstanding. It’s Red Head from Territorial. And the soup-it was outrageously delicious. 

One of these days I’m going to have a SFG class at my home and combine it with a lunch, where others can taste what things are like coming out of the garden. All I have to do is serve a salad and you’ll be hooked. Fresh off the vine cherry tomatoes, a few slices of a European cucumber, candied nuts, a thin slice of red onion, and some homemade croutons to go along with one of the 28 different varieties of lettuce that I grow. It doesn’t get any better than this. Coming soon. 

This past week I upped an order from Johnnys which include 3 different types of salanova lettuce. It holds up very well in our hot summers once you know the 5 tricks to have lettuce available during July and August. And, now is the time to think about summer lettuces. Give salanova a try. 

A brand new square foot gardening technique

I don’t think I’ve seen this before and it came out of an experiment that i tried last year. And if it’s been done, I’d like to see the picture. I just needed to duplicate it, and I have. This square is still not done growing. Lots to go!

When I interned with the master himself-Mel Bartholomew, we did lots of things. For all lettuces, we always planted 4 per square. If there were some of the larger lettuces around such as something like Encino, we didn’t know about it or maybe Mel decided he didn’t want to grow it. But, if we had, that would have been planted at one per square because the packet says “thin to” 12 inches. 

This new planting is what I’ll call bunch or plug planting. This particular variety is such a favorite of mine. Five different kinds of lettuce. Not only does it taste great, it looks great. It started with an over-seeded winter sowing (see earlier posts.) When it was bulging out of the container, I started removing bunches, or plugs of lettuces and then planted them-4 per square. The end result? Look at my garden last year. Big and billowy lettuces of red and green all over the garden. We’ve had the best tasting salads around, we saved lots of money, and all we had to do was harvest and clean. I’m not paying the prices at the store for the low quality/quantity they have available. 

Come out to one of my classes. I’ll show you how to do it the right way as I was taught from the inventor of the system. I sure do wish he was still with us. He was way ahead of his time. I miss the phone calls we used to frequently have. I’d start asking questions, then he would start asking questions. We talked about doing so many things with the foundation-things that have, sadly, not come to pass. We would exchange ideas for hours sometimes over lunch or dinner. We’d talk about life, retirement, money, how to take the SFG system all over the world. We talked of travel, about the safety of the food supply. We talked of farmers, of gardeners, of the volunteers with the foundation. He knew my family. I knew about his. I knew about where he lived and what he did for a living, and why he came out of retirement twice. I knew how he became a millionaire. I saw how he saved money. I saw the interest he would take in others if they expressed an interest in learning about the SFG. I saw how he would talk to chicken, horse, and mushroom compost places. I saw how he talked to produce managers to gather things that would eventually be thrown in the trash which ended up being used for our many composting classes in Eden, Utah on the Montessori school grounds. I was also there when they told Mel the foundation was no longer able to be there, which helped prompt him to eventually move to live in San Diego. The last few years of Mels life-he didn’t even own a car! That wasn’t because he couldn’t walk because he surely could. “Why do I need a car?” he asked me. “Everything I need is within walking distance!.” So out went the car. This post is turning out to be all about Mel. Maybe I should have a dedicated post to just him? Man, I sure do miss him.