Tag Archives: French filet beans

An experiment with green beans in the square foot garden

I’ve always grown beans, lots of them. You name the variety and I’ve probably tried them. Blue lake, Fortex, Provider, Kentucky blue, slenderettes, tenderettes, both pole and bush varieties. 

The thing I don’t like about each of these is you have to stay on top of them. Wait a week too long and you end up with tough, fat pods that don’t taste very good. And it’s easy to do because they grow so fast. Even still, if you don’t harvest in time the plant begins to shut down production. 

This year I found the bean I will grow from here on out. They are French filet beans. Smaller yes, but more forgiving, and even better, they taste fantastic. You can harvest these beans smaller. And if you miss it by a week they don’t get fat and tough. These are the baby gourmet green beans that come out of the fanciest restaurants.