Sweet corn-looking good

corn 081913Corn can be successfully grown in a SFG. This is a brand new variety from Burpee’s called “On-deck.” It’s specifically made to be grown in containers where it’s worked very well. I had some extra seeds so I stuck some in the garden-4 per square. This is a sweet corn-SH2-that has at least 1 ear per stalk. Burpee’s says you will get more than that, but I haven’t seen it yet. It would be nice if that turns out to be the case, but even if it doesn’t-nothing beats the taste of corn plucked right from the garden. This is the time when all your hard work starts to pay off in the final harvest of the summer. Parts of the fall garden have already been planted-carrots, beets, kohlrabi, spinach, and a few varieties of lettuce. With temperatures in the high 90’s this week(when will it end?!)I’ll hold back on direct seeding of all the other fall crops until next week. I have my 2nd “Fall Crop SFG” class this weekend. We’ll have a lot of fun with the added benefit of a selection of Johnny’s Selected Seeds for sale. Hope you can join us..[ois skin=”below post”]

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