Square foot garden potatoes

There are probably a lot of ways to plant potatoes. For me, I don’t want to leave them out for several days before planting, and I don’t want to worry about hilling. This is the method I learned. Cut your seed potatoes so the each piece has at last 2 eyes. I bury them right into the soil, cover completely, and start watering. They are planted 6 or 7 inches deep and will be ready in 4-1/2 months. I like them big.

I spent $2.50 on 3 pounds of Red Pontiac potatoes. By the time I cut them up, I had enough for 8 square feet. That will yield somewhere around 45+ pounds when finished. And the taste? You’ll never beat them! 

My experience is that potatoes do best in garden soil, not so much in grow bags, tires, wood boxes, etc. These will start to pop up in about 4 weeks, and in the SFG, they are planted 5 per square. 


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