Author Archives: Jim

About Jim

I'm a certified square foot gardening instructor that enjoys teaching others how to grow their own great, healthy, organic food. I also enjoy cooking, biking, playing my guitar, reading, and card magic.

That Mels’ mix and square foot gardening stuff doesn’t work!….

I went in to the local garden supply store yesterday and was talking to one of the owner. I asked when all the square foot garden supplies would be on the shelves and available. She told me that in another month and a half it would be out. She then asked me if I had ever had a square foot garden. After telling her that I was an avid SFG’er, she said “well, that Mel’s mix just doesn’t work. I got rid of it and put in my regular traditional garden that I’ve always had and I have had a huge garden ever since.” When I asked her what the problem with Mel’s mix could have been, she responded, “I don’t know but it doesn’t have all the things in it that you need to grow vegetables.” She mentioned that it was always dry and nothing ended up growing in her first SFG. I didn’t say much, but I felt like asking her if she would be interested in my new ebook. I now know that she failed on one of the two biggest mistakes that SFG’ers tend to make. I had actually gone in to see when they start to get their asparagus crowns in the store. Asparagus “crowns?” She didn’t even know what those were. I should have stopped right there. You know, if I didn’t know about square foot gardening and I listened to this store sales person, she could have easily talked me right out of having a square foot garden. And when I started asking questions about asparagus she was giving me information that was completely inaccurate. It was all rather disheartening. I re-learned the lesson that has been reinforced to me many times over the years: take the advice you get from experts(those who have been taught in the university agricultural methods and the like)and store employees with a grain of salt. This person was very insistent that she was right on a number of things that I knew she was incorrect about. Some of the practices used in farming are great-if you live on a farm! But us home gardeners are different. Home gardening is not like farming. Farming practices in the home garden has brought us a lot of weeding, inefficient use of resources, lots of hard work(digging, roto-tilling, etc.), and a lot of pesticides and chemicals. It’s been a discouragement for a lot of home gardeners over the years. This is why your spouse says to you at the end of summer “look at that mess back there. We need to weed and pull everything up and maybe think about doing something a little different next year.” The next year comes and you end up doing all the things that you’ve normally done with the same results. If you think I’m wrong, look at most of those community gardens as the end of the year. Remember the flurry of activity there was at the beginning of spring? All the hard work of gardening with farming practices burns people out. If you’re one of those gardeners who wants a simple garden with hardly any weeding, no heavy digging, 80% less watering, and 100% of the harvest, then a square foot garden is for you. If you’re one to think things through too much and come up with all the reason why gardening can’t possibly be a simple as that then a square foot garden is probably not the right method for you. For those who look at its simplicity and say to themselves “hey, I can do that”-this is it!

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My ebook is finally here!…

After many months of work it is finally here-my first ebook.  I’m not sure I will ever try this again.  I discovered that writing is very difficult-at least it was for me.  I do, however, think there are some very valuable pieces of information in this.  It all started because I was getting a little irritated reading advice being given by other square foot gardeners on the blogs about some of the problems people were experiencing.  The problems were all simple things to correct but I thought the information that was given back to people having challenges wasn’t just a matter of being different but wrong.  I was thinking about putting together a little 2 page pamphlet that dealt with the common 2 or 3 problems folks were having.  They were easy to spot and even easier to correct.  As I say in the book however, the need to have the original SFG book is important to serve as a reference guide.  I like to think of my book as a  supplemental issue.  After discussing the common problems that get in the way of a successful square foot garden, the rest of the book is filled with a lot of tips and tricks that I have used over the years.  I think it will make you a better square foot gardener. I have been working on this part-the download and pay-pal- for ten hours today and I’m still not fully convinced that it is working properly.  I suppose if it’s not I will hear about it.  So, I hope you’re interested in buying my ebook.  It makes a great gift for a friend or family member who you know loves to square foot garden.  And, there aren’t  too many gifts you can buy for $6.99 that will provide the satisfaction this will bring. For a review of my book by none other than Mel Bartholomew himself go to Enjoy…Jim

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New SFG grow covers?…I need help with this one

I got a phone call from Mel Bartholomew several weeks ago asking if I would be interested in test running a new product he is thinking about selling through the SFGF website.  Its a season extender type of product and it arrived at my home in two parts.  The first part is the actual material used to cover the garden which is the white bundle in the picture below.  I can’t describe what it’s made out of very well.  It is made in Australia and it’s not plastic.  It’s not a vinyl product either.  At a later date I will snap a picture of it and post it.  It’s very interesting material.  All I can tell you is that the inventor was thinking about a way to keep all those nasty white butterflies away from your cabbage and brussel sprout plants.  From the looks of it, I think he’s going to be very successful.  Not sure of price or when it may become available.  A few weeks later another box arrived-from Japan.  This had all the working parts which the cover will be attached to.  There are a lot of pieces in there, and I’m not sure where to start.

But, no worries!  Here’s the instructions that explain it all!

What’s that?  You can’t read it? That’s alright-let me give you a closer look

If anybody around here speaks Japanese I’m all ears.  As a matter of fact, I was just looking at the AWSTATS in my c-Panel and it shows that I actually had one visitor from the country of Japan!  So, if you’re reading this be sure to contact me. This reminds me of  past Christmas Eves-when I would be assigned to put together doll houses, bikes, other toys, etc. that would come with instructions that I could never read or that I couldn’t follow by the pictures they sent.  Or, they were missing one part that prevented me from trying to figure it out.  Like those days, I will get this-it’s just going to take me a while.  In all seriousness though, I think this one is a real winner.  Please comment if you could…happy New year to all….more to come…

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Making compost during the winter months

A look at one of the compost bins today.  You will be able to see a bunch of things in there-pineapple, egg shells, avocado, tomatoes, zucchini, egg shell container, etc.  I will empty the contents of my paper shredder into the bins as well.  This starts to go a long way toward that goal of getting at least five different sources of compost to make a great growing medium.  When you combine other things like dried grass, coffee grounds, leaves, banana and potato skins, etc.  you begin to see how easy it is to make homemade compost that turns out great.  After the initial purchase of peat moss, vermiculite, and Garden and Bloome compost, I have never had a need to buy more compost.  I have done this for over a decade now.  I do turn it several times a week during the growing season, but its well worth the effort.  During the winter, I just empty everything out things in the bins and don’t bother turning it over because its so cold in the winter.  There’s a lot more I add to my compost bins, but this gives you an idea.  By the time the weather starts to warm, my compost bins really start heating up.  In a matter of a few weeks I am able to produce all the compost I need in my garden boxes for the remainder of the gardening year.  Besides all the obvious things this does in terms of saving money and landfill space, the greatest satisfaction is knowing that you can make something at home that no store can come close to in terms of overall quality.  You should try it and see what you think.  One successful year of composting will have you asking yourself why you haven’t done this a long time ago…..

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SFG lettuce harvest

A couple of weeks ago I went out to pull the last of our lettuce in the remaining 4X4 vinyl box.  This is what I was able to harvest.  Not bad for December in Utah.  The real bummer now is that we are stuck with buying produce in the grocery stores for about 4 months.  No wonder its so hard to get the kids to eat their greens after being spoiled with this for so much of the year.  And…the cost of lettuce in the wintertime!  It’s terrible!  I went into one of those organic stores yesterday to find the price of red lettuce at $2.50 each!  I guess if I wanted to be an extreme gardener I could grow throughout the winter.  So, now begins the long wait for the next growing season.  Believe it or not, we have just finished this lettuce after 2 weeks of it being harvested.  We square foot gardeners really love our lettuce, and we usually grow a lot of it.  But, how do you keep your lettuce from going bad when you end up harvesting so much?  If your anything like me, you hate throwing away food, especially that which you have grown.  I cover this topic in my new ebook which will hopefully be available soon.  I was planning on having it ready before Christmas but now I’m not sure I will make it by that date.  But, it will certainly be available in time for spring.  Its a quick read and a lot of fun.  Its really directed at square foot gardeners who might have had difficulties in the past, and also to those just looking for some additional ideas.  There are a lot of little tricks and tips in the book that I think you will find helpful.  Have any of you ever tried your hand at writing a book?  Let me tell you, it’s very difficult-at least it was for me…wishes to all for a happy holiday season and the best for the new year….[ois skin=”below post”]