A whole bunch! I’ve done a little experiment. So far this year, this is what I have planted: 48 heads of lettuce, 45 spinach plants, 16 radishes, 9 onions, 16 carrots, 4 Swiss chard plants, 1 rosemary plant, and 32 sugar snap pea plants. This has been grown in 29-1 foot squares. If you did the math with this and planted these items as you would for a regular single row garden this would take up 57 feet. This is not including the 3 feet that most single row gardeners will use between rows when they plant, but let’s keep it simple. This is just in feet. I watered everything in my garden today using 15 litres-call it 15 quarts-it’s close enough. Let’s round up-this means my SFG used about 2 quarts of water per square. If the single row gardener used the same amount of water on their garden(a huge assumption given the fact that their soil wont be even close to yours as far as water retention)to water the same plants, that would amount to 114 quarts! 114 vs. 16 quarts? That’s a reduction of about 86%! Well, what if your single row gardener didn’t have the same soil as you do and had to use more water-a very strong possibility? I hope you can now see why us SFGers say we reduce the water we use in our gardens verses water used in a traditional single row garden by 90%. Reduce, recycle and reuse…..
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