Author Archives: Jim

About Jim

I'm a certified square foot gardening instructor that enjoys teaching others how to grow their own great, healthy, organic food. I also enjoy cooking, biking, playing my guitar, reading, and card magic.

How to harden off those plants….

you’ve worked so hard on.  The biggest thing to remember is that you’re plants have been in a controlled environment for several weeks now.  If you were to plant these in your garden right from the home, they might live if it’s real warm out.  But if the evening temperature drops below 50, you might come out one morning to find that all you’re plants have died.  You can find all kinds of information on the Internet about hardening off.  Many people advocate a process that is 2 weeks long.  My experience using that time frame has been successful.  But remember, I’m a square foot gardener, so by nature I’m a bit lazy.  Could I cut that time down by 50%?  I sure could.  Here is how I do it.  First, once the evening temperatures are at 50 or above, it’s time to start thinking of hardening off.  You need to protect from the obvious things-snow and rain.  The other main thing you need to protect your plants from is wind.  That will dry and kill off your plants as quickly as anything else.  Pick a sunny day when there is either no or very little wind.  Temperatures should be between 60-75 degrees.  Water your plants as you normally would.  Then bring your plants out and put them in a shaded area for about 4 hours on day 1.  Bring them in at night. Repeat this on day 2.  On day 3 water as normal, but put your plants in direct sun for 4-5 hours.  I put mine in the 2X4’s shown above.  It protects them from wind.  This is simply 2-2X4’s places on top of one another.  Bring them in at night.  Repeat this on day 4.  On day 5, cut your water a bit and leave them in the sun for 8 hours.  Bring them in at night.  On day 6, give your plants just as much as you did on day 5.  Place in sun for entire day.  At night, leave them outside-but covered as shown in the bottom picture.  Temperatures have to be above 50.  This is the 2-2X4’s with windows on top of them.  I got these from an apartment building who was redoing all their windows.  It helps retain a little heat and keeps the wind off the plants.  If there is ever any wind during this process, all I need to do is cover my box with the windows.  I won’t cover it all the way, but I will make sure that they are getting the light they need and that their getting no wind.  Day 7-water to keep moist but let your plants have full sun.  In the evening leave them out all night-covered again.  Day 8-same as day 7 but now you can keep your cover off at night.  By day 9 your plants should be hardened off and ready to be planted in the garden.  By reducing your water a little, and by exposing your plants to the sun and the variability of temperatures at night, they should be ready to go.  Just remember to keep the wind off them-even if that means you’ve got to cover them at night.  Also make to vent your box if the day is sunny and hot.  You don’t want it to get too hot under those window.  If you don’t have windows like those shown, just cover one of our 2X4’s in 6-mil plastic and staple it to the wood.  This will do the same thing as windows….[ois skin=”below post”]

What to start thinking about…

The weather is changing.  Sunlight is around a lot longer than it used to be and the danger of frost is quickly disappearing.  Hopefully you’ve been able to plant a spring garden full of radishes, different variety of lettuces, and spinach.  With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, it’s time to start thinking about your summer garden.  Everything else should be added to the garden now.  Tomatoes, carrots, beets, beans, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, and melons being among them.  Don’t forget the rotation of fruit/root/leaf.  You will have the perfect rotation of crops if you remember this.  I have 8 squares along the back edge of one of my garden boxes that are now filled with lettuce-a leaf crop.  They will be coming out and I will follow that with either a root crop(onions,carrots, beets, etc.)or a fruit crop(beans, squash, melons, cucumber, peppers, etc.)  My plan is to put in 8 tomato plants where the lettuce used to be.  I will plant more tomatoes, but this gives you an idea of the automatic crop rotation in a square foot garden.  I planted 4 squares of corn(16 plants)10 days ago.  I planted another 4 squares of corn 5 days ago.  I’ll continue to plant corn every 5 days until I eventually fill my entire 4X4′ box.  And I’ll get a minimum of 64 ears of corn.  By the way, this year I’m trying Spring Treat for the first time.  It comes up quicker than a lot of other varieties and it’s a little more cold tolerant.  The picture showing in this post is what will be going into the garden this week.  You’ll remember what these looked like from a previous post when they were just filled with soil.  This Pot Maker thing-it’s great.  In the next post I will be addressing how to harden-off those plants you’ve been working on and taking care of these past several weeks.  You’ll want to know about this-you shouldn’t just put  your new plants outside in your garden.  They’ve been in an environment of controlled temperatures, no exposure to wind, sun, rain, etc.  That all changes when you put them out in the garden and we’ll talk about that next time….[ois skin=”below post”]

We talk about these kind of people when….

we teach square foot gardening. I wrote an ebook, in part, because of the vast amount of bad information that is floating around out there about square foot gardening. It’s amazing to read and it’s all over the place. This is an example of that. We had a great article about square foot gardening in one of the local papers yesterday. I read it and then saw some of the comments. There was a lot I could talk about but this one will do. Here is what it said: “I also think that the claim that most things only grow in the first 6 inches of soil is inaccurate. Here is a link that discusses root depth (among other things) of common garden vegetables. Most have a tap root longer than 6 inches within 3 weeks of planting! Do you really think you are going to be able to maximize your garden production by stunting the growth of your roots so early on?” How does that old saying go? “A picture is worth a thousand words?” Well, then here you go. This is a picture of 4 perfect heads of lettuce that grew in a 6″ container of Mel’s mix. End of story. We have pictures at the foundation of plants that are 8 feet tall which have been grown in 6″ of soil. Here’s the real problem. Folks who think like this(he’s a master gardener by the way!)have been trained in the university agricultural methods. That’s great-for farming! Not so much for us backyard gardeners. The reason he thinks this way? Simple. In the agricultural courses your taught that you’ve got to have these long tap roots. And you do! The reason why is that these old farming lands have been stripped of much of the nutrients and trace elements(despite all their efforts to amend their soil with manure in the off-season)and these roots have to keep going down, down, down in order to hunt for food(nutrients)and water. The reason why it works in 6″ of Mel’s mix is that everything you need is right there! No need for big tap roots! No need for plants to keep going down in order to find nutrition and water. Our gardens are at least 33% compost while the typical farm land is less than 5%. Therein lies the big difference. So, don’t be intimidated by your master gardener friends. Mel wrote his book and found that the experts, as a general rule, all came to the conclusion that square foot gardening couldn’t work because it’s too easy. And, their right-it is easy…..

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Square foot gardening goes big time….

A great little article just showing up in one of the local papers. I was aware that pictures were being taken during one of the SFG workshop classes and I even had a 10 minute interview after class was over. But a week later, I was told that it didn’t turn out so I thought this was a bust. Earlier tonight I got a message from a friend telling me that it was out. Anyway, you can find it here…..[ois skin=”below post”]

How much does 1 square of spinach produce in…..

a square foot garden? This will give you an idea. I’ve already harvested this once for several family spinach salads. Now it’s time to cut it again for the second pass. This is just in one square! You will notice how tight and full the space is-which is one of the main reasons why we don’t have any weeding issues in a square foot garden. There is no room for weeds to get a foothold. Here in northern Utah, it’s time to plant corn. Corn should be planted 4 per square. It’s always a good idea to space it out a little bit. Realizing you’re going to get at least one good ear from each stalk, if you plant 4-1 foot squares, that’s going to give you at least 16 ears of corn. If you planted an entire 4X4 square foot garden at once with corn you would get 64 ears at the same time. You’ll want to stretch it out if you can. I will plant my second group of 4 squares in a week. Since I use an entire 4X4 box I will be planting corn for 4 weeks. That way I don’t get the all at once harvest. Then all you do is water and sit back and watch it grow. “Knee-high by 4th of July” is the quote we hear often. And it’s a pretty good gauge. In a couple of weeks it’s Mother’s Day and that’s the time to really start packing things in your square foot garden….[ois skin=”below post”]