Author Archives: Jim

About Jim

I'm a certified square foot gardening instructor that enjoys teaching others how to grow their own great, healthy, organic food. I also enjoy cooking, biking, playing my guitar, reading, and card magic.

How to have a great fall/winter garden

harvest greens on 121613 after a 7 degree nightFor those in northern Utah-My first class on the fall/winter garden will be on August 16 starting at 10:00 AM. Class runs for 90 minutes and the price is $40 per person. I will start with an abbreviated course in square foot gardening, but since many feel comfortable with their own gardening styles, that’s all I’ll be covering-just the bare bone basics. There isn’t enough time in the growing year to even worry about some of the advanced techniques. I will then show you 3 or 4 different ways to successfully protect your gardens. If you would like to bring your own 1/2″ galvanized electrical conduit to the class I will bend it for you. As long as your gardens aren’t wider than 4 feet it will be perfect. That way you leave the class with the structures need to cover your crops in our harsh winter conditions. Make sure it’s the 1/2″ EMT. They come in 10 foot lengths and cost about $2.50 each. If you’d like to bring your own PVC conduit, I can cut that as well. I’ll finish the class by talking about the specific crops that do well in the fall and even into the winter if that’s goal. Some of these seeds will be available at the class at $4 per pack. They all do well in cold weather. If you’ve always wanted to harvest fresh salad greens in the middle of winter(as pictured), come on out and learn how to do it. Nothing beats fresh produce out of the gardens at any time, but even more so in the winter. Contact me if you’re interested in attending. Space is limited. Eat like a king/queen this winter.


leeks 080114In this gardening system you can plant 9 leeks in a square. If you were to grow this in a traditional row garden it would take up 3 feet. So many advantages with the SFG method. These are Lexton leeks and the white stems will be about 8″ tall-all done without the “hill” technique. More to come on this later. I was very bummed this week as I was hit by the squash vine borer. It was the first time I’ve ever had it, and I know why. I broke all the rules. When they say don’t plant squashes(and tomatoes and potatoes)in the same place in back-to-back years, they know what they’re talking about. That’s what did it for me and now I just hope I can get some butternut squash out of my gardens by the time the first frost hits. I sprouted a couple of seeds immediately and got them in the garden. I don’t think there is enough warm weather and daylight for me to successfully pull it off. Oh well, lesson learned. But I do have all kinds of things coming up now that are just outrageously delicious.

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Time to start thinking “fall”

fall crop kale 091513It sure is hard to believe summer is almost over. Seems it just got here. In zone 6, it’s time to think about your fall garden. If you’ve had a fun summer and want to put your gardens away for the year that’s great. But you’d be missing out on the best season of all-fall and even winter for those wanting to do just a little more work. Right now is the time to direct seed certain crops that will be ready in late fall-things like kale, carrots, beets, etc. If you’re lucking enough to be in a place where they have brussel sprout plants-now’s the time to put those in. In another few weeks it will be time to plant your entire fall/winter garden. There is little work. And the crops for winter are the absolute best! I have my first fall/winter garden class on August 16th. We’ll spend a minimum amount of time on the SFG system since participants will usually have their favorite gardening methods. For those who want to learn the SFG way-this will cover it. It’s abbreviated because we don’t spend time on things that you can’t do at this time of year-like vertical gardening. But you’ll leave with the basics. Then we are putting together a variety of low tunnels. These enable you to grow all fall and deep into the winter if that’s your goal. I’ll be bending your electrical conduit right here so you leave all set to go. If you’re garden space is big enough you can go right through winter. We’ll talk about protection methods, and then I will be discussing the crops that do best in our zone. I’ll spend additional time on the “dandy dozen” for winter. Also available for purchase will be a small sampling of seed packs at $4 each. Some may be things you’ve never known about but they will have you looking forward to each fall and/or winter season. If you’re local, please let me know if you’d be interested in attending. I’ll have another class in late August.[ois skin=”below post”]

Growing cantalope vertically

cantalope 72614Looks like I’ve got at least 5 cantaloupe growing now! I haven’t grown melons in years but I may have to start growing a lot more of them if it’s this easy. In the SFG method you grow 1 cantaloupe per square. Make yourself a vertical support out of 1/2″ electrical conduit, and then tie up the nylon netting. I always make sure to pull the netting tight. If it’s not, plants won’t climb up. It’s got to be tight. Make these yourself for about $12 each and you’ll have them forever. They are strong, never blow over, and never fall apart-no matter what you’re growing on them.

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mottistone lettuce 72114This is Mottistone lettuce-categorized as a “summercrisp.” Summercrisp lettuces are more heat tolerant than other varieties. When attempting to grow lettuce in weather of 80+ degrees, it’s hard to germinate the seeds. If you have lettuce that’s already up, the hot weather usually makes them bolt and turns them bitter tot he taste. But by utilizing just a few easy techniques, you can grow the heat tolerant varieties right through summer. I grow 6 different kinds of summercrisps and each one tastes different from the others. Learn how to be a square foot gardener. By limiting the size of your gardens you have better control over what you can do and are better able to protect your crops from not only cold, but from heat as well. In several weeks I will be having classes at my home. These are designed to teach you how to build an inexpensive “low tunnel” so you can grow right through winter. If you want to learn how to assemble a high tunnel, we’ll be doing that as well. I’ll spend a minimal amount of time on the square foot garden method. If you’re a row gardener, no problem. It’s more work and not a big harvest, but that’s your option. Classes will fill up. The fee is $25 per person and I’ll be selling specialty fall/winter seeds from Johnny’s. You’ll save shipping charges if you buy them from me and nobody around here has these varieties. Stay tuned.