Author Archives: Jim

About Jim

I'm a certified square foot gardening instructor that enjoys teaching others how to grow their own great, healthy, organic food. I also enjoy cooking, biking, playing my guitar, reading, and card magic.

Head start on spring garden

A few soil block crops ready to be planted after about 9 days. The soil blocks are so fun and so fast. You can start things inside, harden them off quickly, because they don’t take as long as bigger plants, and then into the garden they go. This is lettuce, lettuce, and some bok choi going in. A couple of grow bags of cilantro and my spring gardens are alive and doing well.

A quick start for spring gardens

I don’t have a soil block so I put together a homemade version. And it works perfectly. In 17 days, or sooner, these will be ready to plant right into my sun box. After about 10 days they go right into the garden, where they will grow very quickly. What the difference between a sun box and a cold frame? A lot. I’ll be teaching a class on how to have the earliest spring garden possible in zone 6.

An early spring garden class coming up

How early can you have a garden? Is it easy to do, and what if you don’t know anything about gardening? Those are all questions that will be answered in an upcoming class that I’ll be teaching in a couple of weeks. With a little work and planning you can have an early spring garden and be harvesting by the first of April-when everyone else is just beginning to think about roto-tilling. You’ll be learning about a few things which will be new that’ll help you on a very fun adventure. And, an incredible lesson on how delicious food can taste when harvested just 5 minutes earlier. You can read more about the class here.

Gearing up for 2019


I’m not much of a Christmas/holiday person but when these show up, I’m happy. Lots of things planned for this year including growing some selected herbs and cherry tomatoes for 2 or 3 local restaurants. I’m feeling a little bit of pressure because of it, but we’ll see how it goes. There will be a new variety of cherry tomatoes that I”ll be growing this year in addition to the famous sungold, grape, and rainbow. Cherry bomb promises to be an excellent choice for a sweet red cherry. I’ll be growing English cucumbers again, along with a new, less spicy variety of arugula. Looking forward to a brand new season.[ois skin=”1″]