Tag Archives: zucchini

Growing zucchini vertically

vertical zucchini 071013We all love zucchini. If we let it, it would become a huge plant that takes up a lot of space. Though this is a vine variety(black beauty)I train my up to grow vertically. I’ve been doing this for years and the greatest part is that it takes up only 1 square foot. Last I counted, I’ve got 3 black beauty plants growing-one right next to a different kind of squash. I might have made a mistake on that one, we’ll have to wait and see. We’ve been able to harvest about half a dozen zucchini’s so far and it’s just now starting to really produce. I think they taste better when they are smaller so I pull mine when they are about 8 inches long. If you look close enough you’ll be able to see a zucchini sticking straight up in the air. This particular plant is growing up on a green t-post, but other squashes and zucchini are growing up on all kinds of things-from electrical conduit to PVC. It all works…

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Zucchini time

golden egg2I was able to pull my first 2 zucchini’s off the stem yesterday along with one of these-a “golden egg” zucchini. It’s similar to 8-ball which I’ve grown before, but it’s sold as having a better taste, and I couldn’t agree more. It was so good! It’s more of a bush variety but you can see it’s attached to a 1/2″ piece of electrical conduit. It only produces fruit for about 8 weeks, by which time I don’t think it will reach the height of the support. I’ve got 3 or 4 of this variety growing, along with a very prolific patty pan scalloped zucchini. Can’t wait until it all starts coming up. I’ve also got my first small butternut and banana squashes that have come up, all with no squash bugs-so far.

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The looks of summer

It’s sure been a great year in the square foot gardens.  We’ve had 64 ears of corn in a 4X4 box.  We’re just now getting a lot of Roma and other types of tomatoes.  The lettuce and radishes have and continue to grow and do very well-even in the heat of summer.  That’s a little tougher to do and I’ve talked about how to do that in previous posts.  The squashes, cucumbers and herbs are all doing good.  And, with only 150 square feet of garden space I’m able to not only grow this produce for our family but also 4 other people.  They have gladly paid me for it-$125 for a 6 week period.  Sure it’s a way to make extra money, but the real fun of it is that you get to see the look on people’s faces when they get that newly harvested box of organic produce that you were able to grow.  I actually think I’ve saved them a few bucks along the way because I have ended up delivering the items.  The price is the same as you would find at places like Whole Foods, but the items they’re receiving has been delivered within 2 hours of harvest.  It’s a very easy thing to do on a Saturday morning.  This picture shows just a small sampling of things that I pulled the other day.  Zucchini, carrots, green and yellow beans, basil, and Swiss chard.  Right now it’s hard to keep up with all the beans.  What do you do with all of them anyway?  That will be a topic in a new ebook that I will be working on in the near future-harvesting and storage.  Don’t forget to try and plant all those fall crops if you can.  If you plan it right, you’ll have some great and tasty things back there when all of your friendly neighbor gardeners are done for the year.  And you can do it so easily with no pests around to speak of at this time of year.[ois skin=”below post”]

Zucchini in 1 square foot

There’s always lots of discussion about zucchini being able to be grown in the square foot garden-most notably in only 1 square foot. I’ve grown it this way for years because I didn’t like the way zucchini(and other squash)can take over so much of the garden. I’ve changed my methods though and for the most part it looks like it might work. I used to use a jump-rope to tie the zucchini stem up to the t-post. But this year I’ve used Velcro-which as you can see, appears to be holding things up and together pretty well. This was about 2 weeks ago so the plant is bigger now, and I’m getting at least one zucchini every other day. In about another week, I think I will be getting one per day. I like to pick them when they taste the best-about 8 inches. The other day we had a kind neighbor deliver us a zucchini that was about 2 1/2 feet long. They simply don’t taste as good as the smaller ones. As you Velcro up your zucchini, do it at intervals that keep the stem vertical without any drooping. This will reward you with a zucchini plant that is neat, tidy, and only takes up 1 square foot of space. Your zucchini will be growing vertically as you can see in the picture. It’s always fun to watch people as they see zucchini being grown this way. Then we go to another spot in the garden where the real big squash-banana-is starting to grow. It’s about 6 feet in the air right now and it will be a while before all of those are ready. Right now they’re just back there gaining weight! It’s been a great summer for our square foot gardens. In another few days I will be posting about something that you’ll need to start thinking about if you want a fall garden.[ois skin=”below post”]z