Wow…look at that red onion!


I dont usually grow onions in my square foot gardens. They just seem to take a long time and you can buy them cheaply during the summer months. The last time I grew them was probably 15 years ago. I wont be doing that anymore. These red onions were the best I’ve ever tasted. Much like garlic, they are sweeter and milder than store bought. They look perfect. Given the fact that the square foot gardener can grow 9 in just one square foot, I can certainly give up 3 or 4 squares during the growing season, which will give me 27 or 36 onions. The taste is certainly worth it. I don’t know, maybe I’ll grow more than that and store a lot of them for winter. The things that come out of the home gardens continue to amaze. And everyone who tastes the delicious things harvested during the season always comment on it. I’m certain the the soil used also makes a big difference. In this case, it’s 100% pure homemade compost. And it’s made in a manner that beats anything you can buy commercially.[ois skin=”1″]

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