Looks like I’ve got at least 5 cantaloupe growing now! I haven’t grown melons in years but I may have to start growing a lot more of them if it’s this easy. In the SFG method you grow 1 cantaloupe per square. Make yourself a vertical support out of 1/2″ electrical conduit, and then tie up the nylon netting. I always make sure to pull the netting tight. If it’s not, plants won’t climb up. It’s got to be tight. Make these yourself for about $12 each and you’ll have them forever. They are strong, never blow over, and never fall apart-no matter what you’re growing on them.
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Same, honeydew and all others. I would like to come to the August 16th class, what time and where?
Bruce..class starts at 10:00 AM at my home. You’ve been here many times…see you then…Jim
Jim, that looks great, too bad I am allergic to cantaloupe, I love it.
Allergic to cantaloupe? Now that’s a bummer. How about other muskmelons?