What happens when you don’t store things correctly

ruined squashDon’t you hate it when you work hard at something only to discover that something you did ruined it? That’s the story with my banana squash. I’ve only got two left over from my summer square foot gardens. But they’re both like this. You can see the dark, soft patches over most of the skin. I left this in my garage thinking it was warm enough in there for winter squash. I was way off. These can withstand cooler temps, but not freezing temps-at least not for very long. With the windchill, it’s been below zero for quite a while. I think we had about a 10-12 day period of this. My garage isn’t insulated but it’s obviously protected from the wind so I thought I was safe. This is the first time in as long as I can remember that it’s been this cold so I didn’t even think about my squash being stored in the garage. I also ruined about 20 pounds of potatoes because I stored them outside where it was not only cold(freezing), but water got in the container and did its damage. In the next year I’ll be writing a small ebook about correctly preserving your harvest. All the tip and tricks. I know how to do it-though this picture would suggests otherwise-I just haven’t had to worry about temperatures this low for such an extended period of time. I’ve got some other things I’ll be sharing about how to have your own little cold storage area right in your gardens. It’ll be fun, but in the meantime, I’m a little bummed out about a lot of my storage items. Learn how to store them the right way. It’ll save some heartache.
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