The Winter garden, part 2

swept off winter gardenIt took me a while to broom things off. Thirteen inches of snow and about 15 minutes later I’m able to now get underneath the hoops of my low tunnel. I’ve learned another valuable lesson about hoop material. Bigger is better! In one of my garden beds I used 1/4″ PVC hoops that were spaced 3-1/2 feet apart. It worked fine when there was only 3-4 inches of snow on it. The amount from this last storm bent the PVC and collapsed it. There was one hoop of 1-1/2″ PVC that I used for the back of the box that held up perfectly and protected at least some of the winter crops. The area that collapsed weighed down everything under it and probably ruined much of my mizuna and lettuce. Because the last hoop remained in place there are some crops that made it through unharmed. But we’ve got a lot more snow coming. Sixteen to thirty inches are in the forecast between now and Christmas. I’m a big believer in low tunnels-they work very well when put together correctly-not using wimpy size PVC. Click here for a great crash course on constructing your own alow tunnel. Happy gardening? Well, maybe. But I still love it.[ois skin=”1″]

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