Tag Archives: golden egg zucchini

Zucchini time

golden egg2I was able to pull my first 2 zucchini’s off the stem yesterday along with one of these-a “golden egg” zucchini. It’s similar to 8-ball which I’ve grown before, but it’s sold as having a better taste, and I couldn’t agree more. It was so good! It’s more of a bush variety but you can see it’s attached to a 1/2″ piece of electrical conduit. It only produces fruit for about 8 weeks, by which time I don’t think it will reach the height of the support. I’ve got 3 or 4 of this variety growing, along with a very prolific patty pan scalloped zucchini. Can’t wait until it all starts coming up. I’ve also got my first small butternut and banana squashes that have come up, all with no squash bugs-so far.

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