Square foot garden clean up

I  saw on the weather report that we were due for our first major snow storm.  The gardens were pretty much put away for the winter, but there was 2 that were not.  I pulled a couple squares of carrots which you can easily see on the dirt, but there are more in the black basket.  I think I learned one thing about carrots this year.  Our family has always loved the thumbelina variety.  They look and taste great.  But, it is a lot of work to get those types of carrots ready to eat.  They are hard to peel because they are so small.  They sure look nice though, and I guess that was the initial reason why I started to grow them.  I think from here on out I will be just growing the standard varieties.  They taste just as good, and they aren’t near as hard to prepare.  I was able to finish these 2 beds in enough time before the snow hit.  I pulled up some gladiola bulbs that I have had for years, divided them, and then replanted these in a different part of the garden for next year.  These are my favorite perennial flowers to have in the garden.  With my soil now amended with leaves, compost, and shredded twigs and branches, I am ready to plant next year.  I still have 1-4X4 box growing greens which I will probably post about next.  It sure has been a fun year….  [ois skin=”below post”]

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