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corn salad or mache 102713Another delicious winter crop-Mache, or better known as corn salad in the states, is easy to grow and it comes up quickly. This will be ready to start cutting in about 2 weeks. In Europe it’s harvested as a whole plant and served in fancy salads. If you find it in high end restaurants in America it’s served the same way. But for the home gardener, you can use it as a cut-and-come again crop. This lengthens the availability of mache significantly for home use. It’s got a different taste-almost a nutty flavor, but it’s something that you’ll love for winter and spring salads. You won’t find it in summer salads because it doesn’t grow in warm weather. It’s categorized as a winter annual.

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2 thoughts on “Love this

    1. Jim Post author

      First I would say to get the New SFG book. You can find it in virtually any library. That will give you all the basics. Then you need to spend 4 bucks on my ebook which goes into more detail of things that are not discussed in the book. Looks like your in Vegas. With the way I protect my gardens, it’s almost like I’m gardening in Vegas, but I’m not. Good luck to you-it’s not only a great hobby and therapeutic, it can end up saving you a lot of money…


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