Monthly Archives: February 2015

Square Foot Gardening-2nd class

amended square of soilI will be having my second square foot gardening class on April 11th beginning promptly at 11:00 AM and ending at 1:00 PM. This class is conducted as a workshop. We will be doing all the basic things needed to have a successful SFG, along with the advanced techniques as well. Space is limited so if you’re interested in attending, please contact me by email at: Price for the class is $25 per person.

In addition to the previous information, we will be spending time on how to protect your gardens in spring, summer and fall, vertical gardening, making great compost, and getting the most efficiency as possible out of your gardens. Please bring a pair of gloves.

At the time of this class you’ll see a square foot garden in full bloom. Normally at this time of year your friendly neighborhood gardeners are getting out their rototillers and working soil that is partly frozen and still wet. Come on out to see how easy it is to grow delicious, healthy food. The goal of attending this class is to leave not having to ask anybody else about how to do something in the SFG system because you’re now the newest expert in the neighborhood. There will be a small line of specialty lettuce seeds available for the summer months at $4 per pack. These varieties can’t be bought anywhere in the state of Utah and I promise you’ll be amazed at not only their taste, but also their appearance.

As the spring season comes roaring in, be sure to sign up for my free seasonal newsletter. I won’t over do it-you’ll only get 4 newsletters per year but I discuss many questions that people have and why we do things a certain way that might not make sense. For instance, look at the square in the picture of this post. Notice the deep, dark square of newly amended soil that’s ready to plant. Anything will grow in this mix. You’ll learn how easy it is to make it. After all, if you don’t get the soil right, nothing else really matters[ois skin=”1″]

Square foot gardening-1st class

corn salad or mache in square foot gardeningAfter a hard December and early January, we’ve ended up with a pretty mild winter season. With daytime temperatures in the high 50’s and 60’s, it’s time to start getting your square foot gardens ready for spring. I’m betting we’ll still have some rougher weather in the weeks to come, but that’s okay because our limited sized gardens are easy to protect and cover.

Beginning at 11:00 AM on February 14th, I’ll be teaching the first SFG class of the season. You will learn all the basic along with why you won’t be needing to spend any more money on fancy pesticides and/or fertilizers. You don’t need them-unless you’re doing something incorrect. This class is 2 hours long and is structured as a workshop to allow participants hands-on experience. For the northern Utah gardeners looking to do a lot less work, no weeding, no thinning, and no all-at-once harvests, come on out and learn the easiest way to garden.

Being a workshop, please bring a pair of garden gloves-we’ll be outside working in the perfect soil to grow anything and learning about compost.

Instead of spending $50 on some roses, why not learn how to grow your own food all spring for half that amount? It would be a great Valentine’s Day gift[ois skin=”1″]